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This is the question where all of them in the world expecting some reasonable answers some of them may be know the answers while most of them are searching for the answers yes this is that too difficult to understand this topic. I will try my level best to make you understand. From this explanation, the readers must try to think and analyze my each point by comparing them to your real life.

Eternality of soul

A soul is a form of an energy which cannot be created nor be destroyed. The only pathway to reach the God is a soul. A soul is a bridge connecting our body to the god. If the body without the soul it is impossible to reach the God. To understand this just compare any one of our electronic devices we are using. Just imagine, if TV is a human body and the listener {or} user is a god. The television without an electricity is just like a body without a soul. To get connected with a user (god) electricity is essential. Electricity is nothing but like a soul.

God is a science?

Some of them believe in God and some of them don’t. There is a lot to talk about the first category because they are further divided into various types of religions. I will elaborate this category in my next blog clearly. Then coming to the point of the second category. They don’t believe in god but it doesn’t mean they don’t believe in anything. While thinking deeper I came to know that these two category doesn’t have much difference. Only one thing that makes these two categories into one. The most common thing between these categories is ‘believe’. The second category people indirectly believe in God. Both category people believe in something it may God, may believe in themselves or they may believe in some object {or} may believe in their rules {or} may believe their parent [or} may believe their confidence. Ultimately everyone believes in something {or} someone to do their work effectively.


There is much religion in the world but God doesn’t see any partiality to anyone {or} anything because everyone believes in something, that’s it. We don’t need a language or money to communicate with the God. God knows everything and we are doing the thing as per the God’s plan. God gives us a chance to become a god via our human body but we people forgetting everything and enjoying whatever we want to do with the human body and doesn’t try to achieve the ultimate pleasure(being a God). If you became a belief of someone’s life, then you are reaching the first step of becoming a God. How to attain that position will be posted later. This is the principle of God. The way to prayer, the way to respect, the way to communicate the God can be explained with the name of science. Hence God is not a science, everything is a God.

I think this post is useful to you, please comment your opinion to became my belief


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