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            I am going to reveal one of the secrets about God. Is really God have any special language…………….? Yes…..! I know it’s a useful message, but unfortunately, none of you will take care much about this, so why I am doing this? I am doing my purpose of existence, that’s it. Yes, each and every person have their own responsibility and specific duty to do in the world. The problem is identifying their own duty is very difficult.That is, we want to know the expectation of God from us because we are independent in our decisions but we are not independent in our action, we are just following the Magic's around the world(desire) and we are getting trapped by it ( Trapped by the world ).


            Though there are many languages in the world, which language that God prefers?  English? Chinese? Japanese? Tamil? Hindi? French? Urdu? Sanskrit? Latin?  No these are just sounds from the mouth we should not say it’s a language. Understanding the other people situations, feelings is the common language for all. God’s also speaks in this way that is ‘situations’. To understand the other feelings doesn’t need a language just realize the situation.


            God think about each and everyone’s welfare but we are redirecting in another way ( This is how the world changed ). God will just provide better environment or situations but we people want to take the right decisions. Environment or situations decide our character, the character decides our action. Through our action, we will be recognized by others. It’s not name or face is our identity because these two don't belong to you. The only way could people will recognize your identity through your character. Unfortunately, your character has been driven in a right way by God but we refuse a good driver and we will self-driven and making many accidents in our life. Depending on your action, situation will be. But still, the decision is in our hand. Try to understand the language of God. Don’t feel at any part of your life, just do well in your present situation and take your credits in future. We are the main cause for our situation, it may me good or bad. Try to understand this main principle of life.


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