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WHAT IS LAZY?                    Finding an easy way to do work or unwilling to do work is nothing but lazy. For whom this term will match perfectly? This term is perfectly suitable for those who are all dealing with the technology. Yes, this is true, let know about the real meaning of technology. TECHNOLOGY                    If you think deeply you will come to know that, these two terms lazy and technology don’t have much difference. To reduce our difficulty, technology is coming into the act on it by using electrical energy. Do you think it is right? Definitely not. In my point of view, “remove the nail by using the nail itself” so, I am using the technology to make you people understand. SOURCE OF TECHNOLOGY                    We know that electrical energy is the main source for each and every technology. How we are getting the electricity? We can get it by both natural and artificial method, but the problem is, the effect of using current is more than the rea
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The ancient Indians were known to excel in every field, whether in math’s, Astronomy, Architecture,   Ayurveda or Arts, Science...This is the secret of learning through Gurukulam where students lives with teachers who set a high moral/ethical values themselves for students to follow. Let’s bring back the olden glorious Gurukulam back and restore the world to glorious position as it was once. IT REMOVES DARKNESS                         Guru - Kulam• Guru – One who removes darkness or ignorance. This is done by showing God to us. This can be done only by those who have already seen and showing the way which leads to God.• Kulam – The lineage of teachers.• Gurukulam – Live with a teacher who has come in a great lineage and who has seen God and stays in the path to God, shows the same path and helps student to see God. TO AVOID LENIENCY                         Origins• Earlier days, father was teaching to son at his own place, all that he knows.• As there wa


KNOW YOUR DUTY             I am going to reveal one of the secrets about God. Is really God have any special language…………….? Yes…..! I know it’s a useful message, but unfortunately, none of you will take care much about this, so why I am doing this? I am doing my purpose of existence, that’s it. Yes, each and every person have their own responsibility and specific duty to do in the world. The problem is identifying their own duty is very difficult.That is, we want to know the expectation of God from us because we are independent in our decisions but we are not independent in our action, we are just following the Magic's around the world(desire) and we are getting trapped by it ( Trapped by the world  ). GOD’S LANGUAGE             Though there are many languages in the world, which language that God prefers?  English? Chinese? Japanese? Tamil? Hindi? French? Urdu? Sanskrit? Latin?  No these are just sounds from the mouth we should not say it’s a language. Underst


This is the question where all of them in the world expecting some reasonable answers some of them may be know the answers while most of them are searching for the answers yes this is that too difficult to understand this topic. I will try my level best to make you understand. From this explanation, the readers must try to think and analyze my each point by comparing them to your real life. Eternality of soul A soul is a form of an energy which cannot be created nor be destroyed. The only pathway to reach the God is a soul. A soul is a bridge connecting our body to the god. If the body without the soul it is impossible to reach the God. To understand this just compare any one of our electronic devices we are using. Just imagine, if TV is a human body and the listener {or} user is a god. The television without an electricity is just like a body without a soul. To get connected with a user (god) electricity is essential. Electricity is nothing but like a soul. God


ARE WE INDEPENDENT? Since said in the last article( humans-vs-robots ), we are just like a Robot but pretending to be a human. It's our fault. can't understand? right? I will explain clearly now. God gives us the independence to think before act. We think, but not independently. Still, can't understand right? Just imagine our childhood, our parents do not teach how to live in the world, they taught just how to survive in the world. Even our parent doesn't take their self-decision to grow up their children they also follow the society like how the other children's parent's do. WE ARE CHEATERS? Think, please. After the 20th century, the world is not teaching the real education to the people. They teach how to cheat the people and earn so that the particular person will get his graduate in a particular department he would like to earn(cheat). It's not easy to understand, just imagine before 500 years the children will get educated in the name o


The only solution to solve all the problem in the world is being spiritual and the way to attain it. It is not easy to achieve. Hence you people must know about some reality in the world. If we know the reality and facts about these unnecessary activities ( ) causing the whole world into trouble and by correcting the mistakes, then there is a lot of chance to make the world as a better place to live. Let know about the human beings. who are humans? the man with two legs, two hands, and one head isn't it? no, the humans are just a robot integrated with body parts, energy is produced by the soul and we are running as per gods programming that's it. According to the robots, they don't know much about his creator (humans). Same as the human beings they don't know much about his creator (God). It's nothing but the absence of real knowledge. The character of the robot changes depends on


ARE YOU IN DOUBT? One of the biggest confusion in the world is religion, most of the people still in the confusion that to whom I am praying? Is someone hearing my prayers? Will someone respond to my prayers? or Am I wasting my time in believing in God?  these are all the basic doubts to everyone in the world. It is really very hard to explain and to make you understand, for that you people need to get connected with my posts. The solution cannot be revealed in a single post, It needs more time to explain the ultimate knowledge. ARE WE HUMANS? Let me start this by simple imagination, At the early era of mankind there is no religion, racism, language, separate countries and rules just they are alive, they don't have much responsibility, there is no competition between each other there are no pollution and the effects but think how worse it becomes now. Lots of competition between each other, selfishness, anger, lie, revenge, cheat, murder, fight, addict, famine, accide